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  • 企业可持续发展与ESG管理能力培训班
  • 发表时间:2024-12-13 14:56:44 文章来源:本站原创 人气:1907
  • 企业可持续发展与ESG管理能力培训班





    l 企业可持续发展与ESG管理综述(An overview on corporate sustainability and ESG management

    l 企业可持续报告和ESG报告(Corporate sustainability and ESG reporting

    l 商业环境管理/产品和组织的碳足迹(Environmental Stewardship in Business / Carbon Footprint of Products and Organizations

    l 公司治理、道德和合规/可持续发展战略领导力(Governance, Ethics, and Compliance / Strategic Leadership for Sustainability

    l 社会责任和利益相关者参与(Social Responsibility & Stakeholder Engagement

    l 中国企业ESG管理实践(ESG Management Practice in Chinese Enterprises

    l 中国企业可持续发展管理面临的主要问题与挑战(Current issues and topics

    l 案例分析-ESG管理和报告披露 (Case Analysis - ESG Management and Report Disclosure


    l 学习欧盟、全球以及中国本土先进管理经营和有效工具。

    l 周末上课,学习时间相对灵活,不影响平日的工作安排。

    l 支持线上线下学习,学习方式便捷,您足不出户就能学习提升。

    l 学习期满,可获得企业可持续发展与ESG管理能力培训证书。


    l 国企、央企董事会核心成员、ESG工作负责人以及团队成员

    l 外企、大中型民企ESG从业人员(包括 ESG 综合管理、环境、健康、安全、 CSR企业社会责任以及人力资源管理等专业人士)

    l ESG感兴趣并看好其发展前景,未来想要从事相关工作的专业人士

    l 希望继续深造成为ESG高端紧缺人才的应届毕业生

    五、参考日程安排 每门课程2时间可以单独选报,也可全部报读

    企业可持续发展与ESG管理综述(An overview on corporate sustainability and ESG management

    2 Days

    900 - 17001200-1400 午休)

    企业可持续报告和ESG报告(Corporate sustainability and ESG reporting

    2 Days

    900 - 17001200-1400 午休)

    商业环境管理/产品和组织的碳足迹(Environmental Stewardship in Business / Carbon Footprint of Products and Organizations

    2 Days

    900 - 17001200-1400 午休)

    公司治理、道德和合规/可持续发展战略领导力(Governance, Ethics, and Compliance / Strategic Leadership for Sustainability

    2 Days

    900 - 17001200-1400 午休)

    社会责任和利益相关者参与(Social Responsibility & Stakeholder Engagement

    2 Days

    900 - 17001200-1400 午休)

    中国企业ESG管理实践(ESG Management Practice in Chinese Enterprises

    2 Days

    900 - 17001200-1400 午休)

    中国企业可持续发展管理面临的主要问题与挑战(Current issues and topics

    2 Days

    900 - 17001200-1400 午休)

    案例分析-ESG管理和报告披露 (Case Analysis - ESG Management and Report Disclosure

    2 Days

    900 - 17001200-1400 午休)


    l Chiara Mio: Full Professor of Accounting at Venice School of Management (VSM)- Ca’FoscariUniversity of Venice (ltaly). Chiara Mio is internationally known for her focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility. She is director of the Master inSustainability Management (held in ltalian) and of the Sustainability LAB of the VSM. She contributes to several scientific journals and is a member of bodies thatpromote sustainability policies on a global scale. She combines university research with practice, participating as member of the board of directors within listed companies (e.g. Banco BPM, OVS, Aquafil) and others. From 2014 to 2022 she hasbeen Chairwoman of Crédit Agricole FriulAdria (Crédit Agricole ltalia Bank Group)being the first ltalian woman chairing a bank.

    l Marco Fasan: Ph.D. is Full Professor of Accounting at the Venice School of Management (VSM).Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (ltaly).He teaches corporate governance and management accounting. Furthermore, he is director of the Master in Risk Management, Internal Audit & Cybersecurity. His research area relates to corporate governance and sustainability. He’s also member of the editorial board of Journal of International Accounting Research.

    l Silvia Panfilo:Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Venice School of Management(VSM)-Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (ltaly).Her research interests include sustainability reporting and enterprise risk management.She published in many top journals including Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,Risk Analysis: An International Journal, Business Strategy and the Environment.Accounting in Europe. She is co-founder of the Sustainability Lab at VSM and member of its Technical Scientific Committee.

    l Francesco Scarp a Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Accounting and Sustainability Reporting at the Venice School of Management (VSM)-Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (ltaly). His research explores the role of business in society, including sustainability reporting and corporate responsibility. His articles have appeared in international journals and he is a member of national and international academic associations.

    l Marco Pesce: Environmental Sciences, currently works as ESG & Sustainability Manager in a multinational company specialized in the field of water movement and management technologies. Marco is an ESG & sustainability professional with over 10 years of experience in driving corporate sustainability efforts. With a focus on strategic vision and execution he specializes in developing sustainability strategies and governance systems aligned with industrial plans and organizational goals. His expertise also encompasses coordinating the preparation of sustainability statements for large and listed companies, conducting due diligence for ethical business practices along the value chain, measuring the environmental and carbon footprint of products and services, and managing climate change risks and formulating effective mitigation plans to safeguard organizational interests.

    l Daniele Brombal(中文名:叶吾铭), Associate Professor, is Head of Studies of the Environmental Humanities MA Programme and Coordinator of the Laboratory on Area Studies for Sustainability Transformations (LAST) at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. His work focuses on analysing and prototyping pathways for stakeholders’ participation in sustainability planning and management.Since 2006, Dr. Brombal’s efforts have focused on China, where he lived for almost ten years. His career started at the Sino-ltalian development cooperation programme funded bythe Italian Ministry of Foreign Afairs, where he dealt primarily with social sustainability.

    l 常向阳博士,教授,博士生导师,国务院政府特殊津贴专家,入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,广州市优秀专家。曾任广州大学环境科学与工程学院党总支书记(2004-2011)、院长(2011-2017)、党委书记(2017-2021),2021年1月起担任广州大学国际教育学院院长。主要研究领域:环境教育、固废管理、海绵城市及城市可持续发展,环境地球化学。

    l 王晓晖,教授、博士生导师,获美国明尼苏达大学博士学位。因中山大学学科调整等原因于2021年10月从岭南学院商务管理系转入马克思主义学院,现任职习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论教研室。目前是国内学界红色管理思想研究的积极倡导者和OD(组织发展)学科中国本土化的主要推动者。

    l 周永章,主要从事地球化学、大数据与数学地球科学、资源与环境的科教工作,俄罗斯自然科学院院士(外籍)。他开拓了中山大学大数据与数学地球科学、环境地球化学、应对气候变化与低碳地质学、资源环境经济学、自然资源环境物联网监测与可持续发展研究方向,出版《地球科学大数据挖掘与机器学习》《数学地球科学》。他提出地学大数据与人工智能技术研究的新范式,在钦杭成矿带成矿地质背景与智能找矿、珠三角地区土壤环境地球化学与环境要素通量物联网智能监测与预警预测取得原创创新成果。任地球科学系系主任期间,组织申报地质学科博士点获成功,突破地科系长期没有博士点的被动局面。



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